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Monday, March 26, 2012

Fallen Star

I'm sitting in the mall, sitting on the stairs, my back to the wall. The music's playing, and all the people are gone, but the world inside my head just goes on and on. Time stands still for a moment and then it runs in reverse and suddenly it all comes rushing back and that just makes everything worse.
You could have been her; I was stupid enough to think you were. This is just history repeating itself, but now, after so much time, I find out that what I thought were just the lies that I bought. Maybe the woman I fell in love with wasn't a fraud? Maybe I made a mistake. I wonder how that's possible, but now this is all just too much to take.
No, back to the present; somehow even that's more pleasant. I'm sorry that your life is complicated, but mine is, too. You can't use people; they'll use you right back, and soon you'll be just as empty as you feel. You are emptied out by what you steal.
I wish you could see that love isn't made of three. Women are told this lie about the perfect guy. He should have everything, but there's always something missing, so you try to build prince charming with the bits and pieces you find. More than anything you should be looking for the piece that's kind.
I saw the stars and not the sky, but all those blank spaces in between are just as empty as they seem. You're as cold and dark as space, and sometimes, one can even see it in your face. I thought you'd fallen from above, and foolishly started to think that maybe this was love. Stars never fall, but when they do, we wish on them, because even a fallen star is better than everyone else down here by far. Just remember who you are.
I know I'm better off for having met her. That girl with the broken smile and those cold, cold eyes, so caught up in all her lies. She still has a long road to climb, and I think its going to be a long, long way to fine. But there's something good in her heart, and I think that gives her a headstart. No one is perfect, but she could be so much better. I just hope that someday she reads this letter.

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